Wesnoth forums status

Today, around 15:00 UTC, the Wesnoth.org board was disabled by none other than me, in order to perform some maintenance work in the forum files. With this, the forums were upgraded from phpBB 3.0.7-PL1 to phpBB 3.0.8 and one mod was updated to a newer version still awaiting validation from the phpBB mods team.

Additionally, I added a new server-side redirection rule to convert old http://www.wesnoth.org/forum/ and http://wesnoth.org/forum/ links to use the current forums vhostname, forums.wesnoth.org. This should solve issues with inconsistent links lingering around and polluting people’s bookmarks and web pages with different forum paths — of course, this is not automatic and existing references need to be manually updated to reflect any required changes, but at least now /forum has got a well deserved final rest.

There isn’t really any other exciting news to share with you, although I do expect an undefined amount of users to have login problems the next time they visit the forums. This should not be a permanent issue, however, but if it turns out to be I have a solution (a.k.a. “plan B”) prepared for the occasion.