Wesnoth.org post-migration status report
I posted a rather extensive report of the results of the asheviere.wesnoth.org
→ baldras.wesnoth.org
migration to the developers’ ML because Ivanovic wanted me to post updates to the ML for some weird reason. I am fairly sure the people who are actually subscribed to it skip them entirely.
Here’s a link to the email message.
Because I care about transparency and stuff, I pointed out an important thing there:
[…] the migration process went smoothly and now the wiki is running MediaWiki 1.21.2 instead of 1.16.1. Look up 1.16.1's release date and the branch's EOL date and you'll understand why I've been saying "not really optimal" and "deplorable" when referring to the wiki.
(Only after sending the mail I realized that I wrote MW 1.16.1 instead of 1.15.1. The version that was running on wesnoth.org
is indeed 1.15.1, not 1.16.1.)
I don’t really have anything to add here, but I am providing a verbatim copy of the email after the break anyway, only because it’s a wall of text and I like those.
Hello there,By now I estimate that pretty much everyone has the new DNSinformation and is connecting to the new server, a.k.a. baldras. Thedowntime window for all facilities other than units.wesnoth.org endedaround 18:00 CLST (21:00 UTC), meaning the raw downtime window lastedapproximately four hours (I did hold the forums hostage for a tadlonger than that, though). This is certainly nowhere near theworst-case scenario I had predicted, and it is nearly the same amountof time I estimated for the best-case scenario in the original forumannouncement [1]. The post-migration announcement was posted someminutes after the downtime window ended [2].[1] http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?t=39455[2] http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?t=39466Other than some unexpected disk performance drops in asheviere (oldserver) while transferring units.wesnoth.org (a task I had originallypostponed because I thought units.w.o's generation task would be fixedby the point the migration commenced) and the wesnothd replays archivefor 1.8, 1.10, and 1.11, the migration process went smoothly and nowthe wiki is running MediaWiki 1.21.2 instead of 1.16.1. Look up1.16.1's release date and the branch's EOL date and you'll understandwhy I've been saying "not really optimal" and "deplorable" whenreferring to the wiki. Because of this situation, I'm taking over thewiki software maintenance until a new candidate who actuallyunderstands MediaWiki at the system administration level appears.Incidentally, I had to do some minor fixes to the Glamdrol skin duringthe pre-deployment testing stage. It is really starting to show itsage. There are still some minor aesthetic problems (sectional Editlinks are float:right because the shared CSS that fixes various boxlayout issues covers even more stuff than it should) and I can'tguarantee that non-trivial functionality is working correctly. All Inormally do at the user level is editing, deleting, and moving pages,so if there is more advanced functionality used somewhere, Idefinitely wouldn't know whether it's broken or not.Glamdrol's navbar now uses wiki.wesnoth.org links instead ofwww.wesnoth.org/wiki/, since it's what everything else uses.I also dropped the NukeDPL extension thing that nobody seems to use. Iwas unable to find an updated supported version for MW 1.21 at thetime -- not that I spent much time investigating in the first place.The pre-deployment testing weeks leading up to the migration also sawthe fixing of some issue with the gettext.wesnoth.org codebase'ssupport of WesCamp-i18n. All the credit for that fix goes to AI086.The forums were upgraded to the latest phpBB version during thedeployment phase. There's nothing noteworthy to say about this task,and we forum admins don't really use ML for coordinating forumoperations anyway.All wesnothd (master, 1.10, 1.11, 1.8, 1.6) and campaignd (master,1.10, 1.11, 1.8) instances were rebuilt on baldras prior to thedeployment stage. If there's some serious bug with either in masterthat I haven't heard of before, this is the right time to send melinks to the bug tracker entries so I can rollback to a previouscommit or something.The stats.wesnoth.org and wesstats.wesnoth.org infrastructure was notmigrated since it was disabled at some point because it sucked. Orsomething. I don't remember. The only references I could find in theserver configuration indicate that it generated too much load and itwas killing the server, so I chose to skip its migration altogether.The associated SQL databases and CGI scripts will end up in a privatearchive for historical preservation purposes, I guess.We haven't decided exactly how to receive email on baldras, soasheviere continues to occupy the MX record for wesnoth.org for thetime being. Also, SSL support for wesnoth.org is currently missingwhile I, er, we figure things out. Not that this is particularlyimportant, since only the main vhost had SSL support on asheviere, andthat pretty much only serves the static frontpage, gettext, and otherminor things that people neither use frequently nor have any need ormethod for authenticating or otherwise transferring sensitiveinformation.units.wesnoth.org is frozen in time because that's how it was onasheviere since the CT in charge of generating unit trees has severedisk space utilization problems, presumably due to some rogue add-onor a bug in the u.w.o codebase itself. Elias will look into it.So this is really all there's to say on the matter. Again, my"contract" wasn't very specific in regards to what kind and amount ofinformation had to be relayed to this mailing list, probably onaccount of its absolute nonexistence. I mostly wanted to save thisreport for posterity in everyone's hard disks and brains because Ilove reading my own walls of text.It's probably worth noting that the following hasn't stopped being the case.> NOTE: for the legal organization people reading this, we still need> asheviere around for a while until we have packed and moved all the> cruft that's not currently part of the user-facing facilities. I hope> to be able to get us rid of that load before December but I don't have> a solid estimate yet.I'll take a look at this eventually -- still before December, though.Errata:Where I said MediaWiki 1.16.1, I actually meant 1.15.1